Category: Uncategorized

Building Future Partnership

Vacancy tax on developers –What it means for home buyers

Property cooling measures and vacancy taxes are usually introduced when property markets are bubbling. A vacancy tax is imposed in the form of the penalty based on the percentage of gross selling on the properties that are left vacant and are unsold for a specific amount of time. According to the National Property Information Centre …

Capitalising on falling property prices

The recent pandemic has exacerbated the level of uncertainty in the global economy, with the trajectory of its recovery difficult to forecast given the absence of a vaccine and continuous resurgence of the virus in many countries around the world. The real estate sector has not been spared from the recent economic downturn, further reducing …

Effect of Covid-19 on Foreign Property investors

Over the last decade, Malaysia has witnessed a strong growth in Direct Foreign Investments in Malaysia. Foreign direct investments (FDI) in Malaysia for 2019 rose by 3.1% to RM31.7bil from RM30.70bil in 2018, the Statistics Department reported. It said that direct investment abroad (DIA) rose by a strong 26.5% to RM26.1bil in 2019. Since opening …

Kickstarter Programme

In the highly competitive real estate industry, an agency’s greatest risk lies in becoming stagnant, in failing to adapt to the ever-changing economic circumstances or overcoming new challenges. A learning organization is what every organization should strive to be to remain sustainable – committing to constantly learning, growing and improving business processes. In recent times, …

First time homeowner “How to get the best deal”

Are you ready to take the leap to becoming a homeowner? Buying your first property can be both exciting and daunting since it marks a significant new chapter in your life. As a first time homeowner, it may become overwhelming when you think about the amount of consideration and research that needs tto happen before …

How to be a property agent in Malaysia in just a few steps

Having a career in real estate can bring about significant rewards as well as many challenges. Often, there is a misconception that becoming a property agent requires minimal academic qualifications or effort. Though the career pathway can often be lucrative, if done right, it definitely requires hard work and commitment like any other professional job. …

Digitalisation of The Real Estate Industry

The fourth industrial revolution is set to change the way that we live, work and interact. The advancement of business digitalisation presents great challenges in many sectors, forcing companies to either innovate their business or face a wave of new competitors who have integrated digitalisation in their daily operations. Key topics and developments such as …

Buying and Selling of Properties post MCO

Think it might be time to start shopping for a home? Since the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) on 18th March 2020, the real estate market seized up almost overnight. Now, with the recovery MCO well underway, the market is slowly coming back to life in various parts of the country. But buyers …

Government Initiative to Help Real Estate Industry Post COVID-19

Since the 1990, there have been at least 15 global crises that have impacted economic stability across many countries. These include crises triggered by speculative financial bubble bursting, a stock market crash, a sovereign default, or a currency crisis. Disease outbreak has now become a part of the causation to economic crises which include the …

The Effects of Covid-19 on Real Estate Industry : What Does the Post-pandemic Reality Look Like

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a sudden and significant impact on all aspects of people’s lives with 2.6 billion across the world now living under some form of lockdown, restricted movement or quarantine. As the number of positive cases continues to increase, it is expected to have a profound impact not only on tourism, services, and …
